Payment Methods

Our preferred payment method is by bank transfer. We can provide our bank details (including IBAN and SWIFT codes) by email.

Payment is to a USD-denominated bank account in the UK. A flat-rate fee of £10 applies (covering UK bank charges).

Bank instructions can be made through your bank, but there are an increasing number of specialist FX banking options available on the internet which are worth investigating for their speed and reduced cost (relative to traditional bank transfers).

We use Revolut so if you do too, payment can be made via that app.

Currently we are not able to accept card payments, sorry.

PayPal is also an option, but a 3.5% fee will be added to the transaction to cover PayPal charges. For this payment method, ask us to send you an invoice through PayPal for you to settle.

If you visit the gallery in person, we do also accept cash (of course!).

For clients with limited cashflow, we are happy to set up an instalment payment programme. This is individually tailored to the buyer’s circumstances, with payment amounts and term of instalments agreed in advance. Regular statements are sent so both parties can keep track of the situation. Please contact us to discuss if this option is for you.

Please note that an artwork remains the property of Shona Sculpture Gallery until payment is made in full, and an artwork will only be shipped/delivered once full payment has been made.